Obtaining a flatter tummy is the dream of both young and old. One can achieve this by undergoing a surgical procedure named “tummy tuck” or abdominoplasty in Sydney. This is a surgical procedure, designed to eliminate excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen and to tighten the abdominal muscles. This is also helpful to women who have stretched muscles and skin after pregnancy, or for those people who have lost a great deal of weight.

Healthy men and women who are at least 18 years of age are good candidates for tummy tuck Sydney. Candidates should have practical expectations, should be willing to maintain good diet and exercise practices, and should not use this procedure as a weight loss tool.

Depending upon the extent of the work needed, tummy tuck usually takes two to five hours. The surgeon makes a long incision from hipbone to hipbone, just above the pubic area. A second incision is made to free the navel from surrounding tissue. Then the surgeon separates the skin from the abdominal wall, lifting a large skin flap to expose the abdominal muscles. The muscles are stitched together to tighten the abdominal wall and narrow the waistline. The skin flap is stretched, and excess skin is removed. A new opening is cut for the navel, which is stitched in place. Incisions are stitched closed, and dressings are applied. A temporary tube may be inserted to drain off excess fluid.

After the tummy tuck surgery, the patient may stay in hospital or can be released shortly depending on the complexity of the surgery. Once at home it is the patients’ responsibility to ensure that all instructions given by the surgeon are carefully followed so that the risk of infection or complications is minimize and the healing process is speed up.

The complete time to recover from a tummy tuck Sydney can range from two to four weeks. The healing is dependent upon the extent of the surgery, the patients’ overall health and physical state before surgery.

For most patients, the results of their abdominoplasty surgery are going to be last long. Though, any weight gain later on can negate the result of the surgery. It is important for patients to understand that losing or gaining weight is going to critically affect the results of their surgery.

When all other efforts have failed, tummy tuck surgery is something that can help a person to get rid of excess fat. Though, it may not be the best solution for everyone. People who can lose weight through normal process or who become pregnant in near future are often advised to wait on their surgery. However, apart from its drawbacks a tummy tuck Sydney greatly improves physical appearance of any individual and can help to boost one’s confidence level. If you considering tummy tuck in Sydney, come and visit our top plastic surgeon, Dr Barnouti in Sydney, Chatswood and Parramatta.

Tummy tuck in Sydney is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to remove loose hanging abdominal skin, as well as to tighten weakened abdominal wall muscles. Because diet and exercise cannot fix these problems, several men and women undergo this surgery every year, in order to regain their figure and abdominal strength.

Tummy tuck Sydney re-establishes the strength and integrity of the abdominal wall by repairing the separation and stretching of the two rectus muscles. These muscles are the two major abdominal wall muscles that are normally held together over the front of the abdomen in order to give it strength and tightness.

There are many different forms of tummy tuck surgery. When you meet your Sydney cosmetic surgeon, you must discuss with them exactly what you would like to achieve through this surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon can determine exactly what form of surgery is right for you after listening to your appearance goals.

Tummy tuck Sydney is done by a certified plastic surgeon. It is generally an outpatient procedure, which means it does not require staying at the hospital post surgery. Most often it can be performed in cosmetic surgery clinics under general anesthesia.

The procedure begins by opening up the stomach area and separating the skin from the bones and muscles it is attached to. The skin is then tightened to the desired look and the excess patch is removed. If excess fat will be removed this is done before cutting away skin. If a belly button is needed to be replaced then that is done as one of the last steps during the procedure. Once your belly button is positioned correctly, the Sydney cosmetic surgeon will remove the excess fat via liposuction. He then repositions the skin he has had lifted. Drains are placed to draw off excess fluids that build up during the surgical treatment. Bandages are placed around the area. The incision is usually made near the pelvic area to help minimize visual scarring.

Recovery time is usually one to three weeks. Bruising, swelling and pain might prevail at the stomach area during the first few days. Scars can take up to six months to disappear.There are few risks involved with this surgical procedure, however most of them can be avoided by careful selection of a surgeon and following the cosmetic doctor’s pieces of advises.

One of the most important aspects of a tummy tuck Sydney is to remember that it is a sculpting procedure not a weight loss procedure. This should only be considered as an option when diet and exercise fail to produce desired results.